Harry with Tony Jones OAM at the official unveiling of "Spreading our Wings", St Hildas, Mosman Park, WA, November 2009.

Harry with Tony Jones OAM at the official unveiling of "Spreading our Wings", St Hildas, Mosman Park, WA, November 2009.

Johannes has been inspired and encouraged by two amazingly creative Dutch migrant parents Abigail (Elly) and Jacobus (jack) Pannekoek. 

Johannes has been inspired and encouraged by two amazingly creative Dutch migrant parents Abigail (Elly) and Jacobus (jack) Pannekoek. 

Spreading our Wings

St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls, 2009

  • Marine grade aluminium
  • 290 x 190 x 150 cm


This work commissioned by St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls was designed to commemorate the the opening of the new Junior School and to acknowledge the generous donor families for prosperity. It was designed to enhance the spacious gardens at the new campus and to reinforce the central theme of "Spreading our Wings" and to give its students room to grow.

I also wanted to the sculpture to exemplify the feeling of moving forward, reaching out, being uplifted and ready to soar into the future, symbolic of striving for excellence.  

Thank You

Thanks to Tony Jones and Central Tafe for providing myself and a large number of its students the opportunity to take part in the selection process for this public artwork


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